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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

[Thailand Recipes] Vegan Thai Green Curry

Ready in just 20 minutes this Vegan Thai Green Curry is awesomely gluten-free and totally easy to customize with your favourite veggies!

Anyone else still feeling like they have spent WAY too much time in the kitchen over the holidays?

If so, you totally NEED this super quick vegan Thai green curry in your weekly menu plan!

Whether you’re joining the Veganuary challenge or not, if you need a healthy and quick plant-based meal to prep after a long day, this delicious curry makes an excellent choice.

I promise it will keep you warm and full over the rest of the winter!
How To Make Vegan Thai Green Curry

The recipe for this Thai green curry couldn’t be easier, requiring just 20 minutes to make and a few simple ingredients, and it all comes together in a few easy-to-follow steps.

Ingredients You Need For This Vegan Thai Green Curry

For this vegan Thai green curry, I used a mix of slightly less common veggies such as purple cauliflower and oyster mushrooms, which both add a lovely punch of flavour.

Of course, if you have a hard time finding these veggies, feel free to substitute them with regular cauliflower and shiitake mushrooms.

I've also added snow peas, peas, yellow bell pepper, zucchini and onions to my curry, but again, feel free to use whatever veggies you have in the fridge.

Finally, add a few classic Thai curry staples such as green curry paste, coconut milk, lemongrass, coriander, ginger and lime.

Before you know it, a big colourful bowl of delicious vegan Thai green curry will be ready for you to devour.

When it comes to the curry paste, I'm a big supporter of homemade vegan green curry paste, so I recommend making your own, as I often do. But if you’re in a hurry, just buy a good quality vegan Thai green curry paste from your local Asian store, or from the international aisle of a big supermarket.

Once you have all your ingredients at hand, this vegan Thai Green Currycomes together very easily.

A little prep is essential for a smooth and speedy cooking process.

Make sure you clean and chop all the veggies and have them ready in line next to the wok (a saute pan or cast-iron skillet would work well too).

I give the cauliflower florets a quick boil just until they're slightly tender, but you can also use leftover steamed cauliflower, or chop it in very small bites and throw it with the other veggies in the wok directly.

Once all your ingredients are ready, all you have to do is stir-fry them for 10 minutes, stir in the coconut milk and simmer for 5 more minutes.

In the meantime, you can prep up some rice to go along your veggie Thai green curry.

I'm a huge rice fan and when it comes to curry pairings, I often opt for wholegrain basmati rice, wild rice or Camargue red rice.

They all have incredible and unique flavours and taste awesome on their own.

Don't forget to squeeze a lime over your curry right at the end, I promise it will bring your vegan Thai curry to the next level, making all the ingredients sing together!

If you're not convinced yet, here are a few reasons why you'll love this Vegan Thai green curry, it's:
Totally vegan, dairy-free, nut-free and gluten-free
Easy to customize with your favourite protein ( tofu, chickpeas for vegans/vegetarians, or fish, meat and poultry for non-vegans)
Ready in less than 30 min!

This recipe and image sources are referred in website: Thanks so much!

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