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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

[Malaysian Recipes] Net Pancake (Roti Jala)

Roti in Malay means bread but in this term it refers to pancake. Jala means net. So roti jala or net pancake literally means that due to the look of the pancake.

The pancake is different from the typical pancake because of its net look. The roti jala is usually rolled into a log. Some also fold it into triangle.

This roti jala is a famous Malaysian snack and is often eaten for breakfast or tea. It's commonly served with chicken curry.

Making It Abroad

The tool to make this roti jala is an ordinary thing to find in Malaysia. It's a container with a handle on the side and the base of the container is with 5 holes.

The way to use is, you place the container on a plate. This is to catch any batter oozing out from it. Then you pour the batter into the container, lift it on top of a pan and start swirling around, leaving a pattern of a net.

You cook it until it's pale in color and then transfer it onto a plate. Fold each side to the center, forming a rectangle and then start rolling it into a log. Simple.
The problem comes when you're not living in Malaysia, like me. The container is not sold in any store. So this is when we need to get inspired by MacGyver and improvise a bit.

To make your own diy roti jala container is simple, really. Take a small water bottle or a yogurt container. Then poke some holes on its base, around 1 mm diameter. Don't make too many holes as that would ruin the net look. I would recommend around 5-7 holes, not more.

Also remember don't make the holes too big as that would also ruin the net look.

See? Living outside Malaysia doesn't mean we should deprive ourselves from this delicious roti jala just because we don't have the original tool!

remember enjoying this roti jala back in Malaysia with some chicken curry. Whenever my office organised an event or there was any makan-makan party going on, roti jala would never fail making it in the menu.

My favourite way of eating this roti jala is with chicken curry. Yep, it has to be chicken curry else roti jala would not be complete.

I hope you'd give this a try. It's simple, really. Let me know what you think

Net Pancake (Roti Jala)

Roti jala or net pancake is a famous Malaysian snack that is usually eaten with chicken curry. It got its name for its net (jala) look. The batter is made out of simple ingredients.


  • 1 cup all purpose flour (130 gr)
  • ¾ cup water (190 ml)
  • ½ cup coconut milk (125 ml)
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 egg


The Batter

  1. Add all of the ingredients into a bowl and whisk until well combined. Strain into a jar and leave it aside for 10 minutes.


  1. Heat a few drops of oil in a pan on medium heat. Brush the oil evenly on the pan's surface.
  2. Pour some batter in the pancake container (read in details in my post above). Swirl around on the pan, creating net looks. Cook until the pancake turns pale in color. Remove it onto a plate.
  3. Fold both opposite side to the center, creating a rectangle. Then roll it into a log. Repeat the same until the batter is finished. Serve warm with chicken curry, enjoy!
This recipe and image sources are referred in website: Thanks so much!

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