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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

[Filipino Recipes] Puto (Steamed Cake)

I love holidays. It is the time when my sons come home and spend time with me and my husband. In the past, we used to play cards and board games. But this year, we are spending time talking or watching movies. Meals are usually long and a fun time. I try to cook dishes that we all love and enjoy. 

Today, I made this Puto recipe, a snack that I used to make for my kids when they were young. It is one of those nostalgic snacks that I make once in a while for my family and we always enjoy eating. Some other sweets that I made for my kids when they were growing up include leche flan 


Puto is a Filipino steamed cake snack that is served any time of the year. It is the perfect dish to bring to a gathering or potluck because it’s easy to eat and to transport. It is traditionally made from ground rice and can be eaten by itself, with butter or grated coconut. However, this puto recipe is an adapted version, using cake flour instead of ground rice. There are many variations that include different flavorings such as ube (purple yam) and pandan. It can also be topped with cheese or salted egg.


This steaming method may be used if you don’t have a steamer and works well without any special equipment. The main idea is to rest a muffin tin on top of a pan without letting the muffin tin touch the bottom of the pan (see photo below). With a lid on the pan, the steam from the boiling water in the pan will cook the puto. Another common way to steam puto is to use individual moulds and a bamboo or other type of steamer. Which ever method of steaming is used, these little cakes are always delicious!

Puto (Filipino Steamed Cake)

Puto is a Filipino steamed sweet cake that is the perfect snack or potluck food.

Prep Time25 mins
Cook Time20 mins
Total Time45 mins

Course: Snack
Cuisine: Filipino
Servings: 48 mini puto
Calories: 32kcal
Author: Liza Agbanlog


  • 1 ¾ cups cake flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 ½ cups water
  • 2 egg whites
  • ¼ cup fresh milk


  1. Fill a 12-inch pan halfway with water and set over high heat.
  2. In a bowl, sift together cake flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Set aside.
  3. In another bowl, combine water, egg whites and fresh milk. Using a hand mixer, beat the mixture at low speed for 5 minutes.
  4. Add the sifted dry ingredients and blend until smooth.
  5. Strain the batter into another bowl to ensure that there are no lumps.
  6. Lightly brush a mini muffin tin with vegetable oil.
  7. Fill muffin tin ¾ full with the batter.
  8. Once the water in the pan is boiling, place the muffin tin in the pan and cover the pan with a lid.
  9. Steam the puto for 5 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the puto comes out clean.
  10. Once the puto is cooked, remove from the pan and allow to cool at least 30 seconds before removing from the muffin tins.
  11. Repeat steps 6 to 10 three more times, making sure there is enough water in the pan each time.
This recipe and image sources are referred in website: Thanks so much!

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