Sunday, May 31, 2015

[Filipino Recipes] Salad Drink

I guess most of us associate salad with something green, healthy and leafy well it’s a different case in the Philippines as salad there is commonly associated with something sweet and fruity. When someone talks about salad in the Philippines by default it is pertaining to something sweet like a fruit salad or buko salad and this drink is inspired from that dessert. 

Salad Drink | Filipino Recipes

Back in my home country I remember this drink was simply called a salad I just added drink to the title to avoid confusion, it is a popular street food which is usually sold together with buko juice, melon drink and the popular sago’t gulaman all together they called palamig which means “to cool you down” which definitely is.

It is sweet, fruity and chunky! Is it a drink or a dessert? Well I guess it’s a cross between the two.

Salad Drink Recipe

Prep time: 15 mins
Total time: 15 mins

Serves: 2 pitchers


2 coconuts, shred meat and reserve liquid
1 400g can condensed milk
1 can fruit cocktail, reserve liquid
3 cups red Nata de Coco
2 pcs bananas, sliced
lots of ice

Salad Drink 2 | Filipino Recipes


Combine all ingredients in a very large drink container or a punch bowl.
Add lots of ice, let it stand for a while until some of the ice melts then serve. If you are in a hurry you can add some water but not too much otherwise flavour will be diluted.

This recipe and image sources are referred in website: Thanks so much!

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