Thursday, July 23, 2015

[Indian Recipes] Finger Millet Cookies (Vegan)

I was really surprised when my daughter asked me the other day why I don’t blog anymore. “I miss all those cakes and cookies Amma” she said. Of course it made me very happy because there was a time when I was baking 3 cakes a week and nobody wanted to eat them anymore!

Finger Millet Cookies (Vegan) | Indian Recipes

I really miss everything about blogging though. I cook and bake often enough but never find enough time to blog it. So today on a rainy Sunday afternoon while the baby is asleep, I opened a bottle of beer and decided I am going to blog!

I am sharing a really simple finger millet cookie recipe today. I have baked several variations of this cookie from past couple of weeks and they come out great every time. They are a result of my experiments to arrive at a healthy cookie that I can give my 8 month old son. So naturally they have only ‘good for you’ ingredients.

Finger Millet Cookies (Vegan) 2 | Indian Recipes

These finger millet cookies are mildly sweetened with jaggery and have a lovely crunch from all the finger millet semolina in them. They stayed crisp even after a week, which is great! Since there is finger millet in both flour and semolina form, they have a very strong nutty aroma. I have used cinnamon, which compliments it very well.

I love these cookies with my evening tea. I have been eating a couple of these everyday. I have already tired adding a little bit of cocoa to these (which tasted great) and next time I am planning to add some cashew nuts in it.

Finger Millet Cookies (Vegan) 3 | Indian Recipes


I have made these cookies with only coconut oil, only ghee, half ghee and half coconut oil and each time it turns out great!

You can also use regular wheat semolina if you don’t have finger millet semolina.

Sugar will work fine without jaggery too.

Instead of water, you can use milk or yogurt too.

Finger Millet Cookies (Vegan) 4 | Indian Recipes


½ cup finger millet flour
½ cup finger millet semolina
½ cup whole wheat flour
½ cup jaggery powder
¼ cup flaxseed meal
½ cup coconut oil
1 tsp cinnamon powder
¼ cup water

Finger Millet Cookies (Vegan) 5 | Indian Recipes


Pre heat the oven at 150 degree Celsius.

Line and grease a baking tray.

Mix all the ingredients well into a hard dough. Take about 1 table spoon full of dough, roll into a nice ball and flatten them between your palms. Place it on the baking tray. Repeat this till all the dough is over.

Place the tray into a preheated oven and let it bake for 12-15 minutes.

Taek the tray out and let the cookies cool in it for a couple of minutes. Transfer them to a cooling rack and let them cool down completely. Store them in a airtight container and enjoy!

This recipe and image sources are referred in website: Thanks so much!

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