Tuesday, April 28, 2015

[Japanese Recipes] Oyako Donburi

Oyako means parent and child in reference to the fact that this dish’s main ingredients are both chicken and eggs. This very traditional donburi (丼) or bowl of rice with toppings can be found in almost any noodle shop in Japan. To me, it is a quick and easy lunch for the busy day or... lazy day especially lunch at home alone. The Japanese style with Oyako Donburi

Oyako Donburi | Japanese Recipes

Ingredients (2 servings):

2-3 cups cooked Japanese rice
1 boneless chicken thigh, cut into bite-size
1 small onion, sliced thinly
2 eggs, beaten lightly
½ cup dashi stock
1 teaspoon of mirin
1 teaspoon of Japanese soy sauce (shoyu)
Salt to taste
Some chopped shallot for garnish

Oyako Donburi 2 | Japanese Recipes


In a medium mixing bowl, bring together dashi stock, shoyu, mirin and salt. Pour half of the mixture into a small shallow pan. Bring to boil.

Add in half amount of the chicken and onion, cook until almost done.

Pour in half amount of the lightly beaten eggs in a thin stream over the chicken pieces.

Add in shallot and cover the pan. Allow to simmer until the egg is almost set.

Gently slide the chicken and egg onto the top of rice in a bowl. Repeat the same process for another serving.

This recipe and image sources are referred in website: Mykitch3n.blogspot.com. Thanks so much!

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